Digital Career Success Catalog - page 23

Best-Selling Bingo & Board Games!
Anger IQ
Anger IQ
game educates individuals about anger hazards,
and then gives them practice avoiding them by using a set of
principles for dealing with anger. The combined use of CBT
(Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) and Social Learning Theory is
particularly effective. This game is unique in its approach and is
an extremely effective tool used alone or as a complement to
anger control skills and other training methods that individuals
have previously experienced. The game box includes a CD with
a PowerPoint presentation that serves both as a review of the
new anger research and an introduction to the
Anger IQ
CCI Code: FL016............................................................. $39.95
Anger Bingo!
Non-threatening, engaging and educational. Addresses triggers,
symptoms, causes, control and prevention. Reproducible hand-
out, “How to Control and Prevent Anger.”
CCI Code: 73104 (Adult Version)..................................... $39.95
CCI Code: 73105 (Teen Version)....................................... $39.95
Social Skills Bingo!
Improves social skills by focusing on five important areas:
positive and negative characteristics, verbal and nonverbal
communication, getting along, and common interests.
CCI Code: 73114 (Adult Version)..................................... $39.95
CCI Code: 73115 (Teen Version)....................................... $39.95
Self-Esteem Bingo!
Focuses on one of the most important topics in classrooms and
clinics. Helps players to understand self-esteem Boosters and
Busters, the benefits of self-esteem, how to acknowledge their
own strengths and how to take responsibility.
CCI Code: 73116 (Adult Version)..................................... $39.95
CCI Code: 73117 (Teen Version)....................................... $39.95
Keys to Job Success
Keys to Job Success
is a educational game designed to give play-
ers the knowledge and skills they need to succeed on their hard-
won new jobs. The game focuses on four main areas crucial to
job success: Job Performance, Following the Rules, Showing Ini-
tiative, Dealing with People (Bosses, Co-workers, and Customers).
CCI Code: FL002............................................................. $49.95
is an educational board game specifically designed
to teach important skills and concepts for working in all kinds
of groups and teams. Players learn four sets of skills: Task Skills
(for getting the job done), Interpersonal Skills (for cooperating
effectively with other team members), Self-Management Skills
(for maximizing their own contributions), and Leadership Skills
(for members who want to play a leadership role in helping the
team achieve its goals).
CCI Code: FL009............................................................. $49.95
The Networking Game
Networking is the most effective way to learn about and get
jobs. This game gives players the confidence and skills they
need to make relationships, energize their networks, and get
those all-important interviews.
The Networking Game
uses a
three pronged approach: learning the six principles of network-
ing, learning the skills, and practicing the skills to gain confi-
dence and fluency.
CCI Code: FL012............................................................. $49.95
The Respectful Workplace Game
The Respectful Workplace Game
is designed to give all employ-
ees, both supervisory and non-supervisory, the skills they need
to handle even the most difficult problems in an effective and
respectful way. Players learn and practice six Principles of
Workplace Respect so that their actions could never be inter-
preted or mis-interpreted as bullying or harassment. Players
also evaluate case studies and make recommendations on how
to prevent or end bullying and harassment.
CCI Code: FL014............................................................. $59.95
Career Odyssey
Career Odyssey
is a board game specifically designed to help
students explore careers that may be good matches for their
talents and interests. Students develop insight into their own
talents and interests and then try to match them to careers.
CCI Code: FL003............................................................. $54.95
CCI Career Success Catalog
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