Digital Career Success Catalog - page 32

Quick Job Interview Guide
The interview is the most important 60 minutes
in the job search. Covering everything from
your opening greeting to your call-back closing,
Quick Job Interview Guide
provides the essen-
tials of effective interviewing with an easy-to-
read, no-nonsense approach. The writing is
interesting; the data, current; the advice, practical — in just 64
pages. Package of 10.
CCI Code: 89080...........................................................$58.95
Quick Online Job Search
Following in the tradition of the
Quick Job
Quick Online Job Search
zooms in on
the most effective tools and methods for using
the Internet in a job search. It discusses online
social and business networking, electronic re-
sumes, job boards, and company websites and
integrates their use with Mike Farr’s time-tested job-hunting
system. In just 64 pages, anyone can quickly learn how to use the
Web’s vast resources to find a job fast. Package of 10.
CCI Code: 81160...........................................................$52.95
Quick Job Search for
Ex-offenders gain skills and knowledge in the
seven key stages of the job search. Addresses
many issues that individuals coming out of in-
carceration face, including: meeting basic
needs; establishing a support network; identify-
ing and emphasizing transferable skills; setting realistic occu-
pational goals; addressing their incarceration in resumes, cover
letters, job applications, and interviews; providing evidence of
rehabilitation; and taking advantage of federal hiring initiatives.
Package of 10.
CCI Code: 88029...........................................................$58.95
Quick STEM Careers Guide
This new guide defines STEM (Science, Technolo-
gy, Engineering and Math) and opens reader’s
eyes to STEM careers. A brief assessment helps
readers match themselves to STEM occupations
using Holland’s RIASEC personality codes. The
author describes STEM jobs in computer science,
engineering, environmental science, geosciences, life science,
mathematics, physics, and social science. Resources and techniques
for additional exploration are also covered. Package of 10.
CCI Code: 81161...........................................................$58.95
Quick Job Search
This new edition of the
Quick Job Search Guide
booklet covers the basics on how to explore
career options and conduct an effective job
search and is perfect for students and job seek-
ers who need a brief, inexpensive handout. This
successful guide gives individuals a practical
approach to career exploration and job search. It includes skills
checklists, worksheets, and sample resumes. Package of 10.
CCI Code: 89079...........................................................$58.95
Quick Military Transition Guide
This booklet provides essential job search infor-
mation about writing resumes and cover let-
ters, finding jobs, and interviewing while focus-
ing on issues specific to transitioning service
members. For example, the guide discusses
how to address employers’ potential military
stereotypes and how to market military skills and accomplish-
ments in civilian terms. Worksheets, checklists, motivational
quotes, and an appendix of targeted resources are also in-
cluded. Package of 10.
CCI Code: 89105...........................................................$58.95
Quick Resume Guide
This information-packed booklet helps individu-
als master the basics of resume writing, develop
the foundation for a solid resume quickly, and
reveals how to strengthen a basic resume to
make a stronger impact. It includes sample re-
sumes, helpful worksheets and practical advice
to help individuals build stellar resumes quickly so they can get
ahead of other candidates and land great jobs. With this booklet,
readers will also learn how to write effective, personalized cover
letters to accompany their resume. Package of 10.
CCI Code: 81132...........................................................$58.95
Quick Job Success Guide
This booklet identifies the seven most important
steps for keeping a job and helps readers hone
important job retention skills. It covers how to
get a job, adjust to it, and plan for success.
Checklists and worksheets featured throughout
the booklet cover a wealth of job retention top-
ics and can serve as a guide now and throughout a person’s ca-
reer. Package of 10.
CCI Code: 89081...........................................................$58.95
10 per pack
Help job seekers, students, military personnel, ex-offenders and career
changers with these best-selling career resources. Each pack contains (10)
booklets loaded with valuable and practical career advice.
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Call 215-256-3130 today!
CCI Career Success Catalog
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