Digital Career Success Catalog - page 17

Don’t Wear Flip-Flops to Your
Don’t Wear Flip-Flops to Your Interview
is packed with
strategies and techniques that are practical, market
proven, easy to use, and often humorous. Added to
this powerful mix are the hard-won lessons from the
personal experiences of thousands of professionals
who have succeeded in the job-changing game. Takes
you through every crucial step in your job search, from
getting interviews and answering those really tricky
questions to negotiating the best deal possible.
CCI Code: 29362............................................$14.99
You Said What?!
The Biggest Communication Mistakes
Professionals Make
Communication is a measure of how we are heard. It’s
not about us; it is about how the other person per-
ceives our message. If you are not where you should
be in your career, the problem may very well be how
you communicate.
You Said What?!
is an action-orient-
ed book that gives you solid techniques that can be
used right away to achieve effective results and will
help you strengthen your message by planning and
sharpening your communication skills.
CCI Code: 29368 ...........................................$14.99
The Small Talk Handbook
There’s a difference between communicating effec-
tively and making small talk.
The Small Talk Handbook
lays down the basics to engaging chitchat and teach-
es readers how to enliven their personal and profes-
sional communication. It offers the necessary tools to
focus on verbal strengths, minimize weaknesses, and
leave the best impression. Readers will always know
just what to say with
The Small Talk Handbook.
CCI Code: 29126............................................$12.95
The Power of Presence
You don’t have to be born with it... When some
people speak, everyone listens. When they need
commitment to projects, others jump on board.
These are the lucky few with “presence” — that
subtle magnetic field that signals authority and au-
thenticity. Wouldn’t it be great if doors opened as
effortlessly for you? They can! Everyone, regardless
of position or personality, can strengthen their pres-
ence. The key is to cultivate the communication ap-
titude, mental attitude, and unique leadership style
needed to connect with and motive others.
Power of Presence
demystifies this elusive sought-
after quality.
CCI Code: 28163............................................$18.95
100 Ways to Overcome Shyness
100 Ways to Overcome Shyness
is a powerful collec-
tion of useful information, case studies, and exer-
cises on how to manage your shyness so you can
communicate with people you don’t know very well
(or at all) in a wide range of personal and profes-
sional settings and circumstances. Easy-to-use con-
versation starters are interspersed with lists and
exercises throughout the book. There are also chap-
ters on getting out of awkward conversations gra-
ciously, plus valuable tips and insights for those with
social anxiety or on the Autism spectrum on how to
deal with their particular type of shyness.
CCI Code: 29361............................................$14.99
You Did What?!
The Biggest Blunders Professionals Make
A study of thousands of fired employees revealed
that for every one person fired for performance-re-
lated issues, two lost their jobs for failure to deal
successfully and professionally with other people.
Setting yourself apart in today’s highly competitive
business environment takes thought and planning.
Not only must you have excellent job skills, you must
also have excellent people skills. This book gives you
solid techniques that can be used right away to
achieve effective results.
CCI Code: 29369............................................$14.99
Body Language Handbook
Teaches you how to read the body language of
others, and also how to make sure you send the
signals you want to send. Increase your power of
communication at the office, in a courtroom or
classroom, at home, and in any social setting —
even the poker table.
CCI Code: 29327............................................$15.99
Manners That Matter Most
Covering topics from introductions, greetings and
thank-you’s, to the etiquette of modern technology
(including appropriate places and times to call and
Manners That Matter Most
is a valuable resource
and a much-needed guide in our fast-paced world.
This book also includes: Inspirational quotes on the
importance of courtesy, respect and dignity. The 25
essential lessons everyone should learn to cultivate
better manners. Tips for more effective communica-
tion with family, friends and co-workers.
CCI Code: 89605............................................$12.50
Put your best foot forward and set a good first impression at a job
interview or when interacting with clients and customers with the
tips found on the
Professional Manners Poster Set
. Each laminated
poster 18”× 24”
2 poster set for ONLY
CCI Code: 99859
CCI Career Success Catalog
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