Digital Career Success Catalog - page 33

The Hire Tactics
Hire Tactics
introduces a methodology
that includes innovative tools that go far be-
yond the traditional resume and cover letter.
You will learn how to define your value in
civilian terms and employ the strategies and
tactics necessary to differentiate yourself
from the competition and successfully complete your job search
mission. Learn the 4 Milestones for Civilian Employment: Pack-
aging, Promotion, Product Demonstration and Pricing.
CCI Code: 29747......................................................... $21.95
Down Range
A Transitioning Veteran’s Career Guide to
Life’s Next Phase
Written by veterans who have successfully
made the transition,
Down Range
offers ca-
reer planning guidance to U.S. military vet-
erans coming off active duty. This is NOT
simply a guide to transitioning from the military to the civilian
world. This is NOT a guide to getting a job. This book IS a
guide to developing a post-military career, not just for the
first few days, weeks, or months after active duty, but for the
rest of your employed life.
CCI Code: 69569........................................................ $25.00
Military-to-Civilian Success for
Veterans and Their Families
This enhanced self-help and training volume
is filled with timeless tips for launching a
successful transition into the civilian world.
It also addresses important relocation, re-
tirement, and benefit issues. Its 19 chapters
cover the new world of work, transferable skills, best jobs, top
100 employers, attitudes, skills, goals, applications, resumes,
letters, attire, online job search, job fairs, networking, inter-
views, salary, job offers, career advancement, overcoming
setbacks, and much more.
CCI Code: 27570......................................................... $24.95
Military Spouse’s Employment
Career-oriented military spouses face many
obstacles relating to their mobile lifestyle
and today’s difficult job market. It includes
insider tips on identifying skills, developing
an effective job search, networking, writing
resumes and letters, handling job interviews, and working for
the federal government.
CCI Code: 29592......................................................... $17.95
150 Best Federal Jobs
With a projected 10 percent increase in em-
ployment through 2018, the federal govern-
ment offers good salaries, great benefits, job
security, and flexible work schedules across
the nation. This book helps readers target
their federal job search toward the most promising occupa-
tions in just two steps. First, readers will study the 55 “best
federal jobs” lists, which are organized by pay, growth, open-
ings, gender, education and experience levels, and much
more. In the next section of the book, readers are able to
explore 150 job descriptions to learn about the occupations
that interest them most. Additional material covers the pay
systems for federal jobs, opportunities for veterans and job
seekers with disabilities, and college majors that connect to
federal jobs.
CCI Code: 81183..........................................................$17.95
Veterans Benefits for
Saving veterans and their families from
months of phone calls and internet search-
Veterans Benefits For Dummies
the various programs that the VA and other
government agencies have in place as well as the procedures
for filing applications, claims, and appeals for these benefits
which include: health care, ongoing care for wounded and
disabled vets, education assistance, vocational rehabilitation,
life insurance, home loan guarantees, pensions, survivors’
benefits, and burial benefits.
CCI Code: 69576......................................................... $19.99
A Family’s Guide to the
Military for Dummies
This comprehensive guide covers such key
topics as introducing military life to readers
new to the armed forces, financial planning,
relocation, deployment, raising kids alone
while a partner is away, and taking advantage of the avail-
able benefits. It offers tips and advice for dealing with emo-
tions that surround events like deployments, deciphering the
acronyms used in daily military life, forming support groups,
keeping track of a loved one’s whereabouts, and surviving on
a military base in a foreign country.
CCI Code: 69575......................................................... $19.99
150 Best Jobs for the
Military-to-Civilian Transition
This book helps today’s returning military find
the best job matches for their training, inter-
ests, personality, gender, and more. The book
covers the best-paying and fastest-growing
occupations held by recent veterans. Veterans can transition to
these jobs mainly using the skills learned in military service;
some occupations may require additional training or licensure,
and this information is explained as well.
CCI Code: 81195......................................................... $20.95
The Military to Civilian
Transition Guide
This guide remains the most popular career
transition action guide for servicemembers,
veterans, and their families. The book’s 13
chapters cover the most important aspects of
finding employment and prospering in the
civilian world.
CCI Code: 29582..........................................................$13.95
Expert Resumes for Military-
to-Civilian Transitions
Expert Resumes for Military-to-Civilian Transi-
shows veterans exactly how to market
their skills and experience and translate
them into language their resume readers will
understand. This book features a collection of superior profes-
sionally written resumes designed for veterans and ex-military
job seekers. In addition to 180 pages of sample resumes, this
book provides winning job search strategies, sound resume-
writing advice, and tips for creating and using electronic re-
CCI Code: 86050..........................................................$19.95
CCI Career Success Catalog
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