Digital Career Success Catalog - page 27

Best Jobs for Ex-Offenders
Here’s the first book, newly revised, to examine
jobs suitable for ex-offenders. Profiling 101
opportunities that are relatively open to people
with not-so-hot backgrounds, this revealing
book gives renewed hope and direction to ex-
offenders who are uncertain what they want to do, can do, and
will do in the future.
CCI Code: 29563............................................................ $11.95
99 Days to Re-Entry Success
This weekly planning journal, newly revised,
assists ex-offenders in dealing with key transi-
tion issues during their first critical 99 days in
the free world. Used alone or in a group setting,
this book provides an important structure for
keeping ex-offenders focused on those things they need to do on
a daily basis in order to become successful on the outside.
CCI Code: 29581..............................................................$4.95
Quick Job Search for
Ex-offenders gain skills and knowledge in the
seven key stages of the job search. Addresses
many issues that individuals coming out of in-
carceration face, including: meeting basic needs;
establishing a support network; identifying and
emphasizing transferable skills; setting realistic occupational
goals; addressing their incarceration in resumes, cover letters, job
applications and interviews. Package of 10.
CCI Code: 88029............................................................ $58.95
Job Hunting Tips for People
With Hot and Not-So-Hot
This unique book presents 150 job hunting tips
that are applicable to most job seekers, regard-
less of their backgrounds. Filled with cutting-
edge career advice, quizzes, websites, and examples, here’s the
book that tells it like it is from the job search trenches.
CCI Code: 25566............................................................ $17.95
The Ex-Offender’s Job Interview
Presented in an interactive workbook format,
this essential re-entry resource is jam-packed
with how-to advice, examples, tests, and exer-
cises for generating the necessary interview
preparation information all ex-offenders need in order to pre-
pare for the critical job interview.
CCI Code: 29564............................................................ $11.95
The Ex-Offender’s Quick Job
Hunting Guide
This companion workbook for the
Job Hunting Guide
is filled with practical tests
and exercises for organizing and implementing
10 steps for re-entering the work world. In-
cludes special chapters on taking responsibility, telling the truth
about your background, and developing an action plan for
making it on the outside.
CCI Code: 26575............................................................ $11.95
Overcoming Employment
This no-nonsense book catalogs 127 employment
barriers that prevent individuals from finding
good jobs. Beginning with an 85-item self-assess-
ment test to determine one’s “Employment Barri-
ers I.Q.,” the book analyzes each barrier and then
offers sound advice on how to overcome it. Organized by different
types of barriers, the book includes: 12 barriers related to skills and
work history; 27 barriers related to attitudes and behaviors; 8 bar-
riers related to health, wellness, and disabilities; 80 barriers re-
lated to job search knowledge and skills.
CCI Code: 26571............................................................ $19.95
A Map Through the Maze:
A Guide to Surviving the Criminal
Justice System
Designed as a psycho-social map for handling
the corrections experience, this book docu-
ments predictable social and emotional stages
of incarceration. It encourages the positive use
of one’s time, from overcoming alienation and rage to develop-
ing personal growth. Includes compassionate advice for families
and loved ones.
CCI Code: 25863............................................................ $11.95
Ex-Offender’s Guide to a
Responsible Life
This resource identifies key support services
and common sense tools for discovering new
meaning and purpose. Expert tips are given on
every aspect of life on the outside: anger man-
agement, positive parenting and relationships, health issues,
parole, lifelong finance and budgeting, recovery and relapse
prevention, education and training, and street survival.
CCI Code: 29596............................................................ $15.95
Overcoming Barriers to
Employment Success
Learn to overcome personal, physical, financial,
and emotional barriers to getting a job. Discover
more effective ways to find work. Explore educa-
tion and training options. Make better decisions
and develop a successful career plan. New tips that help indi-
viduals alleviate emotional issues and manage stress. New guid-
ance on using social media effectively to network and research
CCI Code: 89057............................................................ $18.95
Job Interview Tips for People
with Not-So-Hot Backgrounds
What should you say and do if you have red
flags in your background – you’re a job hopper,
lack focus, been incarcerated, experienced drug
and alcohol problems, got fired, dropped out of
school, received poor grades, lack experience, or appear over-
qualified? Examining the whole interview process, from prepara-
tion to close, it gives special attention to nine important red flags
employers often interpret as job knock-outs.
CCI Code: 24557............................................................ $14.95
No One Will Hire Me!
Misunderstanding job market realities, job
seekers make numerous mistakes that fre-
quently result in self-fulfilling prophecies. Two
of America’s leading career experts identify 17
key mistakes job seekers make, from failing to
articulate goals and knowing one’s worth to
improperly using Internet resources, looking for jobs in the
wrong places, and prematurely accepting a job offer.
CCI Code: 23552............................................................ $15.95
CCI Career Success Catalog
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