Digital Career Success Catalog - page 15

CCI Career Success Catalog
Soft Skills in the Workplace
Soft skills are the personality traits and inter-
personal skills that allow us to adapt to
changing circumstances, manage time and
resources, and work well with others. This
video discusses the importance of soft skills in
the workplace through engaging vignettes and
interviews with hiring managers. Viewers will discover how to
use and improve their soft skills to be more productive on the
job and successful in their career. Available in only DVD format.
35 minutes
CCI Code: 88040DVD. ............................................... $156.95
Workplace Communication
Viewers get guidance for developing their ver-
bal, listening, nonverbal, and written skills. The
program depicts scenarios of good and poor
communication skills in action and includes
expert interviews on workplace communication.
This DVD also addresses communication through e-mail, voice-
mail, cell phones, video conferencing, and online sites like Face-
book and Twitter. 50 minutes. Available in only DVD format.
CCI Code: 81182DVD. ............................................... $149.00
Soft Skills
Solutions Series
Soft skills are personal attributes that enhance one’s interactions, job
performance, and career prospects. Soft skills relate to a person’s ability to
interact effectively with colleagues and clients. In many jobs, soft skills are more important than
hard skills. Employees with outstanding soft skills are increasingly sought out by employers. The
good news is that soft skills can be improved upon through study and practice. Each Soft Skills
Solutions Booklet covers a particular soft skill, which provides the reader with tools for career
success. Each provides self-assessment opportunities and practice exercises to prepare the reader
with the necessary soft skills to achieve their career goals.
Each booklet can be purchased either individually or in a package of ten. Also available is a
package that consists of one each of the seven booklets.
Stepping Stones to Success
CCI Code: 89109........................................................$7.95
CCI Code: 89108 (Package of 10).............................. $47.95
Make Yourself Heard
CCI Code: 89111........................................................$7.95
CCI Code: 89110 (Package of 10).............................. $47.95
How You Act and Dress Matters
CCI Code: 89113........................................................$7.95
CCI Code: 89112 (Package of 10).............................. $47.95
Wake Up and Work
CCI Code: 89115........................................................$7.95
CCI Code: 89114 (Package of 10).............................. $47.95
Demonstrate Your Value Through
CCI Code: 89117........................................................$7.95
CCI Code: 89116 (Package of 10).............................. $47.95
Play Nice and Stay Employed
CCI Code: 89119........................................................$7.95
CCI Code: 89118 (Package of 10).............................. $47.95
Lead with Integrity
CCI Code: 89121........................................................$7.95
CCI Code: 89120 (Package of 10).............................. $47.95
One Copy of Each of the Seven Booklets
CCI Code: 89107
You’re Fired!
Ten Ways to Lose Your Job and How to
Avoid Them
This program reveals the ten most common rea-
sons people are fired, and uses vignettes to help
viewers understand which attitudes and behav-
iors to avoid in the workplace. Viewers also gain strategies for
making positive changes to improve their performance at work.
Available in only DVD format. 30 minutes.
CCI Code: 86060DVD . .............................................. $156.95
Barriers to Communication and
How to Overcome Them
This program explains the various types of
communication barriers and details specific
examples of physical, organizational, emotional,
nonverbal, cultural, language-related or written
barriers. Through expert interviews and creative
vignettes, the video offers solutions to overcoming these com-
mon communication barriers. Available in both DVD and Stream-
ing Video formats. 35 minutes.
CCI Code: 23358DVD or 23358SV.............................. $129.95
Work-Life Balance
This video looks at keeping a proper balance that
leads to happiness, health and success both at
home and at work. It presents strategies for cop-
ing with stress, taking responsibility, being orga-
nized, managing time and maintaining focus
with interviews with experts, professionals, sea-
soned telecommuters and students. Available in both DVD and
Streaming Video formats. 31 minutes.
CCI Code: 23356DVD or 23356SV............................. $169.95
for all DVDs and Streaming Videos
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