Digital Career Success Catalog - page 31

When transitioning out of incarceration, individuals face many barriers to a
successful reentry. This DVD series guides individuals through the essential steps
they’ll need to take to overcome challenges and pursue long-term success and
fulfillment after their incarceration. Through a positive, encouraging approach, the
program motivates individuals to become self-sufficient and make the right
decisions to put themselves on track to a successful reentry. Viewers gain valuable
tips and insight from experienced professionals working in reentry programs. The
DVD series also features formerly incarcerated individuals who describe their
reentry experiences in candid, honest interviews that will resonate with viewers.
The five programs in this series are available for purchase as a complete set and
25 minutes each. Each DVD $149.00
Order the entire series for ONLY
CCI Code: 89124DVD
Ex-offender’s Guide to Job Fair
A job fair is one of the most effective methods
for developing key contacts and finding em-
ployment. Instead of spending hours scouring
the Internet or classifieds to find job leads,
ex-offenders can go to a single place to speak with handfuls of
employers. In this DVD, ex-offenders will discover how to make
the most of a job fair. Topics include: Preparing for the job fair;
How to present yourself and what to bring with you; Questions
you’ll need to be able to answer; Networking advice; Advice
from employers. 23 minutes.
CCI Code: 89083DVD. .................................................. $129.00
The Turning Point DVD
This compelling DVD was developed for male
clients who are dealing with alcohol or other
drug addiction. It includes interviews with Af-
rican American men in different stages of re-
covery and reintegration, along with straight
talk from counselors, community activists, a neighborhood
pastor, and a drug court judge. All echo the same message: in
order to change, these men must give up not only alcohol and
other drugs but also their unhealthy lifestyles. Viewers will
learn strategies to create a healthy environment, find positive
support, overcome shame and guilt, rebuild self-esteem, iden-
tify triggers, avoid relapse, and ensure that core beliefs and
values align with positive goals. 45 minutes.
CCI Code: 76131DVD. .................................................. $225.00
Parole: Getting Out and Staying
Prison life is hard — but for most ex-convicts,
life on the outside is tough, too. This DVD fol-
lows paroled prisoners as they re-enter civilian
life and face challenges both large and small.
The program provides an eye-opening look at the typical pa-
rolee’s struggle to find work, stay away from drugs and former
friends, and maintain a positive attitude about the future.
16 minutes.
CCI Code: 29867DVD. .................................................... $69.95
From Prison to Home
Ex-convicts face formidable odds, and for
African-Americans, conditions are usually
even more difficult. This documentary traces
the experiences of four black ex-inmates over
the course of a year, focusing on their chal-
lenges with employment, housing, addiction,
and reconnecting with family — as well as their participation
in the nontraditional African American Program for parolees.
Richard, a 36-year-old crack addict, has spent 12 years in and
out of the system. Arthur, 45, has been arrested 13 times.
Calvin, 49, has served 18 months for drug possession and
burglary. And 37-year-old Randy, emerging for the first time
after a 16-year murder sentence, is intent on going to college.
The parole officers who work with these men are also inter-
viewed. 71 minutes.
CCI Code: 23359DVD. .................................................. $169.95
Going Home: Teens Reentering
All former inmates have a hard time adjusting
to life outside prison, but teenagers face their
own specific set of challenges after doing
time. This two-part series shows how that ad-
justment process often plays out and how its hardships can be
minimized. Correlates to all applicable National and State Edu-
cational Standards including the NCLB Act. 2-part series, 21
and 23 minutes each.
CCI Code: 28656DVD. .................................................. $199.00
Life after Prison: Success on the
This information-packed program illustrates the
specific steps needed to transition from incar-
ceration to a rewarding life, and examines the
many pitfalls that must be avoided along the
way. Parolees discuss their successes and failures, while parole
officers provide insights into why not all ex-offenders succeed.
Also examined are where to look for employment and how to
make the most of the work experience and skills learned in
prison. 42 minutes.
CCI Code: 29866DVD. .................................................... $99.95
CCI Code: 89128DVD. ..................... Finding Employment
CCI Code: 89127DVD. ..................... Making Healthy Choices
CCI Code: 89126DVD. ..................... Meeting Your Basic Needs
CCI Code: 89129DVD. ..................... Succeeding on the Job
CCI Code: 89125DVD. ..................... Reconnecting with Family and Community
CCI Career Success Catalog
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