Digital Career Success Catalog - page 13

100+ Winning Answers to the
Toughest Interview Questions
This book helps job interviewees meet the chal-
lenges of that all-important employment inter-
view. For instance, what’s the best answer to
give a job interviewer when he asks about your
background and you know you have less experi-
ence than other candidates? The author offers good answers for
this and for many equally tough questions. She also presents
general tips that apply to all interview questions and advises on
ways to give answers that are clear, direct, and to the point. This
book contains an appendix listing hundreds of possible interview
questions as well, making this book a must-have tool for every
smart job seeker.
CCI Code: 39065..............................................................$9.99
101 Smart Questions to Ask
On Your Interview
Ron Fry shows you how to take charge of the
interview process, presenting yourself as the
self-managing, versatile, and confident candi-
date most employers are seeking. He demon-
strates how to use the interview process to sell
the company on you while obtaining the information necessary
to make sure you are sold on them. From what to ask, when to
ask it, and the kinds of answers to expect, this book gives every
candidate, from first-timers to seasoned pros, the practical in-
formation and advice they need to ace the entire interview…
and get their dream job.
CCI Code: 98905............................................................ $13.99
Essential Digital Interview
This book includes: How to prepare for your
digital interview; How to avoid common pit-
falls and mistakes; How to establish a profes-
sional presence by using the correct micro-
phone and camera; How — and when — to
take the next step, and transition from virtual to in-person. Your
next job will likely be waiting for you on the other end of a
video conference. These tips will also help you appear more
professional for media interviews and presenting online.
CCI Code: 29350............................................................ $14.99
Essential Phone Interview
Phone interviews are often the most unexpected
facet of job interviewing, yet they are fast be-
coming the standard for employers when nar-
rowing the pool of applicants and determining
who will be invited for in-person interviews. This
book covers: How to prepare, what to say, and when to say it;
How to establish your professional presence over the phone; and
How to get to the next step.
CCI Code: 29344............................................................ $13.99
Boost Your Interview IQ
Job interviews aren’t discussions; they’re oral
exams — and the candidate with all the right
answers gets the job.
Boost Your Interview IQ
helps you ace that big test with skill-building
exercises, an in-depth “Interview IQ” test, and
other resources to let you craft winning an-
swers to the most important questions interviewers ask. You’ll
discover ways to present your experiences in a compelling
narrative that showcases your skills, knowledge, and personal-
ity — and you’ll learn the right way to answer tricky “behav-
ioral” questions like a pro.
CCI Code: 29095............................................................ $17.00
What Color Is Your Parachute?
Guide to Rethinking Interviews
An all-in-one guide for the whole interview
process, from pre-interview research to eleva-
tor pitches, “tell me about yourself” questions,
and salary negotiation. This slender handbook
provides just the essentials: the three most
important things you need to know about interviews, the five
questions you must have answers for, and an ingenious sum-
mary of how to succeed.
CCI Code: 89617............................................................ $12.99
Job Interview Tips for People
With Not-So-Hot Backgrounds
What should you say and do if you have red
flags in your background — you’re a job hop-
per, lack focus, been incarcerated, experienced
drug and alcohol problems, got fired, dropped
out of school, received poor grades, lack experi-
ence, or appear over-qualified? Here’s the book that finally sheds
light on this critical issue for millions of individuals who have
difficult but promising backgrounds.
CCI Code: 24557............................................................ $14.95
101 Job Interview Questions
You’ll Never Fear Again
Learn the secrets to excelling at job interviews,
directly from top interviewers and recruiters.
After extensive research among hundreds of
interviewers and thousands of interviewees,
finally here’s the book that will give you the
101 Job Interview Questions You’ll Never Fear Again
based on direct input from top interviewers. It offers powerful
preparation techniques, the lowdown on how to answer the
most common questions and — above all — how to adopt a
winning mindset at interviews, one that will help you stand out
from the pack and land the job.
CCI Code: 89609............................................................ $17.00
Best KeyWords for Resumes,
Letters, and Interviews
Organized by major industries and professions,
this easy-to-use book provides quick access to
the powerful language of KeyWords and Key-
Word phrases. Each chapter includes examples of
Job titles, KeyWords, KeyWord phrases, KeyWord
answers to interview questions, KeyWord cover letters, and Key-
Word resumes.
CCI Code: 28560............................................................ $19.95
Fast Track Networking: Turning
Conversations Into Contacts
Whether you are looking to secure a new deal
or land a new job,
Fast Track Networking
you the tools you’ll need to put the power of
networking to work for you. You’ll be amazed
at the opportunities that will unfold once you
begin to network right...and unconditionally.
CCI Code: 29335............................................................ $14.99
Don’t Wear Flip-Flops to Your
Don’t Wear Flip-Flops to Your Interview
is packed
with strategies and techniques that are practi-
cal, market proven, easy to use, and often hu-
morous. Added to this powerful mix are the
hard-won lessons from the personal experiences
of thousands of professionals who have succeeded in the job-
changing game. Takes you through every crucial step in your job
search, from getting interviews and answering those really tricky
questions to negotiating the best deal possible.
CCI Code: 29362............................................................ $14.99
CCI Career Success Catalog
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