Digital Career Success Catalog - page 20

Fearless and Free:
How Smart Women Pivot and Relaunch Their Careers
Fearless and Free
empowers women, showing us how
we can all use lessons from Silicon Valley to pivot in
our careers — and unlock a world of possibilities.
Author Wendy Sachs talked to a wide range of wom-
en who faced down fears, roadblocks, and failures…
to reinvent themselves. Spanning industries and ages
the book weaves their insights and experiences to-
gether with current research and actionable advice.
Whether you want out of a shrinking industry or into
a business of your own creation,
Fearless and Free
helps you dream big — and act now.
CCI Code: 28161............................................$23.00
Build Your Own Brand
This indispensable guide helps creative professionals
craft a personal brand essence, style, resume, visual
and verbal identity, and elevator pitch. This unique
journal entices all types of people to explore, de-
velop, distill, and determine a distinctive brand es-
sence, differentiate themselves, and start to design
a visual identity. Features prompts and exercises.
Easy to use spiral bound format.
CCI Code: 21113............................................$34.99
100 Ways to Motivate Yourself
Features 100 proven methods to positively change the
way you think and act. The book will help you break
through the negative barriers and banish the pessi-
mistic thoughts that are preventing you from fulfilling
your lifelong goals and dreams. This edition also con-
tains new mental and spiritual techniques that give
readers more immediate access to action and results
in their lives.
CCI Code: 29346............................................$15.99
5 Minutes to Stress Relief
This book will give you the specific skills and tools
to: identify and relieve stress; access personal excel-
lence in your thought life to create positive transfor-
mation in your physical, emotional, and spiritual
experiences; and activate your God-given natural
state of being.
CCI Code: 29359............................................$14.99
Find Your Extraordinary
It is possible to take your life from ordinary to extraor-
dinary. The secret? Cultivating the entrepreneurial
spirit inside you — the spirit that allows you to em-
brace your individuality, to believe in yourself beyond
reason and to step up to creating your own definition
of happiness and success. This book isn’t about hav-
ing it all; it’s about having what matters most to you.
It is about how to find your extraordinary — your
extraordinary career, your extraordinary happiness,
your extraordinary life.
CCI Code: 89630............................................$27.00
Do Over
You already have everything you need for an amaz-
ing career. In fact, you’ve had it since day one. Start-
ing on the first day you got paid to scoop ice cream
or restock shelves, you’ve had the chance to develop
the four elements all great careers have in common:
relationships, skills, character, and hustle. This unique
approach will give you the power to call a
Do Over
— whether you’re twenty-two, forty-two, or sixty-
two. You’ll have the resources to reinvent your work
and get unstuck.
CCI Code: 89629............................................$17.00
The 11 Laws of Likability
Relationship Networking... Because People Do
Business with People They Like
This book, featuring activities, self-assessment quiz-
zes, and real-life anecdotes from professional and
social settings, shows readers how to identify what’s
likable in themselves and create honest, authentic
interactions that become “wins” for all parties in-
volved. Authentic connections go much deeper — and
feel much easier — than trying to hit self-imposed
business card collection quotas. This book presents a
new paradigm that shows how even the most net-
working-averse can network…and like it.
CCI Code: 29193............................................$16.95
Positively Resilient:
5 1/2 Secrets to Beat Stress, Overcome Obstacles,
and Defeat Anxiety
What is resilience? Is it just a fancy way to character-
ize a hopeful, upbeat personality or a positive spirit of
never giving up? In
Positively Resilient
, Doug Hensch
aims to take a different look at what turns out to be
a much richer and deeper concept than just bouncing
back from adversity.
Positively Resilient
will help you
discover: How any efforts toward personal change can
be enhanced using several simple steps. That being
psychologically flexible is critical to thinking through
the mountain of information we receive every day.
How to incorporate mindfulness and curiosity into
your life. How our emotions help us to navigate our
environment. Why true support and connection are
critical to being resilient.
CCI Code: 29371............................................$15.99
100 Ways to Boost Your
hows you how to: Discover the essence of your
personal power and belief in yourself. Create the life
you want with practical “feel good” behaviors. Re-
duce your doubts, increase your self-worth and make
your world a better place. Improve the quality of
your relationships by changing the way you think
about yourself and how others think about you.
CCI Code: 29333............................................$14.99
If you’ve got the perfect job or business, congratula-
tions. But if you are even a little bit uncertain that
your current gig is the right one, it is time to start
thinking about your next move. In the new world of
work, it’s the only move that matters. What’s next?
is a question we all have to ask and answer more
frequently in an economy where the average job
tenure is only four years. Roles change constantly
even within that time, and smart, motivated people
find themselves hitting professional plateaus. But
how do you evaluate options and move forward
without getting stuck? This book will teach you how
to pivot from a base of your existing strengths.
CCI Code: 89632............................................$28.00
Personality Power
Personality Power
shows you how to identify and har-
ness your core strengths to immediately improve your
job satisfaction — and, ultimately, your success. Dis-
cover your work-related strengths and potential blind
spots; identify your ideal (and least-preferred) work
environments; create a personal career roadmap com-
plete with concrete steps for achieving your goals.
CCI Code: 29188............................................$16.95
CCI Career Success Catalog
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