Digital Career Success Catalog - page 16

Order All 10 DVDs For ONLY
CCI Code 31432DVD
Good First Impressions
This DVD teaches viewers about
the importance of appearance,
confidence, maturity, emotional
stability, and enthusiasm, and re-
veals how to improve upon these
areas before an interview. 25 minutes. Available in
only DVD format.
CCI Code: 82041DVD
........................... $156.95
You can now purchase videos in either DVD or streaming video formats. Our new, highly acclaimed cloud-based streaming
video platform makes it possible for your organization to purchase a 3 year streaming video subscription for today’s top
career, education and life skills videos. Look for the video product code extension to determine format availability. Extension
“SV” for Streaming Video Format and “DVD” for DVD format.
Professionalism 101:
With tips and advice from career counselors, human resources reps, new
employees, and seasoned business professionals, this three-part series takes a
commonsense approach to the details of job success. Each program provides
essential information on the big issues (dress codes, asking for a raise) as well as
on matters seldom covered (dealing with office politics, surprise visits from higher-ups). The importance of good
interpersonal skills and having a positive attitude is promoted throughout. 25 minutes each.
Available in both
Streaming Video and DVD formats. Each DVD $99.95
Business Etiquette
In this program, both business experts and a focus group of young professionals advise viewers on the proper way to conduct
themselves in different types of work-related situations. Among the many topics covered are nonverbal communication and
“personal space,” handling dissatisfied callers, when and how to interrupt a busy colleague, composing professional emails, asking
for a raise, and managing time effectively. .................................................................................. CCI Code: 22397DVD or 22397SV
Professional Image
This program guides viewers through a breakdown of just what constitutes career-appropriate demeanor. With an emphasis on having a
good attitude, the video discusses: handling mistakes, determining dress codes, staying abreast of industry trends, workspace appearance,
and even kitchen etiquette. A list of specific — and learnable — leadership qualities is provided. ......CCI Code: 22398DVD or 22398SV
Working Together
Viewers learn how to handle conflict, gossip, and office politics; determine the types of information that should and should not be
shared with their supervisors; and understand their organization’s chain of command. The video also covers in-office and virtual
meetings, taking time off, ethics, bullying, and harassment. ......................................................... CCI Code: 22399DVD or 22399SV
Order All 3 DVDs FOR ONLY
CCI Code: 23301DVD or CCI Code: 23301SV
Skills to Succeed and Advance atWork
DVD Series
In today’s tough economic times, being a good communicator can make all the difference between getting promoted
and getting laid off, between getting hired and getting fired. Now, with
Upgrade Your Communication Skills at Work
you can learn the little-known secrets that set the best apart from the rest!
A great resource for workers at all levels — from the very bottom to the very top, regardless of their industry, work
experience, or job description — these user-friendly videos can help you turn every professional interaction into an
opportunity to shine! Each video approximately 75 minutes. Over 12 hours in total.
Available only in DVD format.
Each DVD $39.95
Talking & Listening
................................................... 31433DVD
.................................................................... 31434DVD
............................................................. 31435DVD
Ads & Brochures
................................................................ 31436DVD
Websites & Blogs
Phone Calls & Messages
.......................................... 31437DVD
The Complete
Your Communication Skills
at Work
DVD Series
Dress and Groom for Career Success
With the help of this video, viewers better understand the
best ways to present themselves professionally for inter-
view and career success. The program provides a wealth
of examples that demonstrate practical dos and don’ts for
dressing and grooming. Interviews with real-world hiring
experts will put your clients or students into the minds of
employers, so they are better prepared to meet employers’ expectations.
Available in only DVD format. 27 minutes.
CCI Code: 89085DVD.....................................................................$156.95
CCI Career Success Catalog
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