Digital Career Success Catalog - page 34

Career Activity –
Print on CD
Exploring the World of Work — Print on CD
Up-to-date, reproducible paper and pencil activities that let your students practice the skills
needed to choose a career, find a job and be a success at work. Now you can get all ten of the
Career Activity Units listed below on one CD and save $100! Each unit is packed with activities
that let your students discover the world of work as they use the following skills: reading, math,
reasoning, writing, art & design and cooperative learning.
John Hart’s Career Adventure
CCI Code: 39133...................................................... $35.00
What Do I Want to Be?
CCI Code: 39124...................................................... $35.00
Jobs, Jobs, Jobs
CCI Code: 39134...................................................... $35.00
Career Education and Training
CCI Code: 39125...................................................... $35.00
Making Career Choices
CCI Code: 39126...................................................... $35.00
CCI Code: 39135...................................................... $35.00
Resumes, Applications & Interviews
CCI Code: 39127...................................................... $35.00
Succeed At Your Job
CCI Code: 39128...................................................... $35.00
Succeed With Your Boss
CCI Code: 39130...................................................... $35.00
Succeed With Your Coworkers
CCI Code: 39129...................................................... $35.00
Order All 10 Units for ONLY
CCI Code: 39123
Order Both for
CCI Code: 39131DVD
Order for ONLY
Order for ONLY
Who Would
You Hire?
Lisa is the Human Re-
sources Director at a
popular resort location.
She is in the process of
hiring a new Events
Sales Specialist who will
be in charge of marketing the resort’s services and facili-
ties for events such as business meetings, conferences and
weddings. From among the applicants, Lisa has chosen six
young people to interview. Your students will watch each
of the short interviews, decide what the applicants did
right and wrong and decide who they would hire. 30 min-
CCI Code: 39113DVD. ............................................ $99.00
Who Would
You Fire?
Meet Jason, the owner
of Airplay Sports &
Espresso, a coffee shop.
He has two locations,
but is planning on clos-
ing both to open in East
Heights, the new place to be in the city. Unfortunately, one
shop doesn’t need two staffs. 30 minutes.
CCI Code: 39140DVD. ............................................ $99.00
Real People,
Cool Careers
Volumes I & II
This series is filled with sto-
ries of real young people in
exciting careers. Your stu-
dents will learn how each
got into their profession and what they do from day-to-
day. In Volume I your students will meet a police officer,
paramedic, massage therapist, radio announcer, pilot
and a minor league baseball umpire. In Volume II your
students will meet a registered nurse, graphic designer,
fire fighter, editor, chef and an emergency medical tech-
nician. 60 minutes.
CCI Code: 39132DVD. ......................................... $169.00
Can I Make It On
My Own?
2 DVD Series
In this two-part DVD series, eight
young adults tell the stories of
how they are trying to make it on
their own. The lessons to be
learned from their stories are too numerous to list. In
some cases, they illustrate the perils and heartache of
foolish decisions and just plain bad luck. In others, they
highlight what good judgment, hard work and determi-
nation can accomplish. But in each case they offer les-
sons that everyone should learn shared by young adults
your students can relate to. 153 Minutes.
CCI Code: 39136DVD. ......................................... $169.00
CCI Career Success Catalog
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