Digital Career Success Catalog - page 37

The Everything College Checklist Book
The path to higher education is filled with college
visits, paperwork, letters of recommendation, essays,
and application fees — and that’s just to get in! After
that comes the financial aid paperwork, student loan
notes, scholarship applications, and vouchers — and
that’s just to pay for it! Then comes the roommate
compatibility survey, the lists of what to pack, what
supplies are need for classes, and the lists go on and
The Everything College Checklist Book
is here to
help. These valuable checklists help students keep
track of applications, references, transcripts, and finan-
cial aid. There are lists of questions to ask potential
roommates, what to pack for dorm life, and ideas for
the supplies needed for stress-free studying. It’s the
ultimate guide for making a smooth transition into
college life.
CCI Code: 28104.............................................. $14.95
Four-Year Colleges
Peterson’s Four-Year Colleges
is a valuable resource that
includes information on every accredited four-year un-
dergraduate institution in the U.S. and Canada (and
many international schools) — more than 2,600 institu-
tions in all. It also includes detailed two-page descrip-
tions written by admissions personnel for over 200
colleges and universities. College-bound students and
their parents can access details including campus set-
ting, enrollment, academic programs, entrance difficulty,
expenses, student-faculty ratio, application deadline,
and contact information, as well as the most frequently
chosen baccalaureate fields.
CCI Code: 99503.............................................. $32.95
Writing a Successful College
Application Essay
This book guides prospective college entrants through
the do’s and don’ts of the essay writing process, advis-
ing on how to choose a topic, then describing how to
create a rough draft and polish and edit the writing
into a finished essay. Includes excerpts from successful
application essays as well as several full-length sam-
ple essays from recent students. Each essay comes
with a critique that discusses its strengths or indicates
missteps. Here is important instruction and advice for
all college applicants, and a solid general guide to
good writing.
CCI Code: 37024.............................................. $13.99
College Rules!
College can be the most exciting time in your life,
but it also throws you into the deep end, with new
academic and social responsibilities often seeming
impossible to juggle.
College Rules!
will save you time
and trouble, setting you up for academic success
from the get-go. This updated and expanded edition
offers practical advice on how to successfully transi-
tion into college. Includes tips and strategies that
won’t ever be taught in lectures.
CCI Code: 89628.............................................. $14.99
The K&W Guide to Colleges for
Students with Learning Differences
Hundreds of thousands of students with ADHD, Autism
Spectrum Disorder, or other learning differences head
to college every year. This comprehensive guide makes
it easy for those students and their families and guid-
ance counselors to tackle the daunting process of
finding the school that fits their needs best.
CCI Code: 85503.............................................. $31.99
College Major Quizzes
The 12 assessments coach readers through the process
of choosing a college major. By assessing their skills,
interests, values, goals, personality, preferences, mo-
tives, assumptions, learning styles, and long-term ca-
reer plans, this book helps readers explore their op-
tions, evaluate the merits of each, and choose the
college program that fits them and their career goals
best. In addition, the book includes brief descriptions
of the 100 most common college majors.
CCI Code: 81188.............................................. $16.95
Play For Something:
Inspiration, Strategies, and Know-How for College
Athletes to Succeed in the Classroom and Beyond
Written by a Division 1 basketball player who gradu-
ated as the Valedictorian of his class with a 4.0 GPA,
Play For Something
is a student-athlete’s guide to
navigating the system, shattering expectations, and
making the most of your college experience.
CCI Code: 29755.............................................. $14.95
Two-Year Colleges
Peterson’s Two-Year Colleges
includes information on
nearly 1,900 accredited two-year undergraduate institu-
tions in the United States and Canada, as well as some
international schools. It also includes detailed two-page
descriptions written by admissions personnel. College-
bound students and their parents can research two-year
colleges for information on campus setting, enrollment,
majors, expenses, student-faculty ratio, application dead-
line, and contact information. In addition, articles that
cover tips on transferring, advice for adults returning to
school, “green” programs at community colleges, the
basics of financial aid, and much more.
CCI Code: 99504.............................................. $29.95
Profiles of American Colleges 2017
Profiles of American Colleges
describes more than 1,650
colleges, with up-to-date facts and figures covering:
Admission requirements and procedures; Tuitions, fees,
and financial aid sources; Library, computer, and ath-
letic facilities; Campus safety and security; Thumbnail
descriptions of faculty; Degree requirements and extra-
curricular activities; Web sites, e-mail addresses, and
admissions contacts. The book contains an Index of
College Majors, an extended chart that lists all available
major study programs at every school.
CCI Code: 39060.............................................. $29.99
Scholarships, Grants and Prizes
Scholarships, Grants & Prizes
provides up-to-date infor-
mation on millions of privately funded awards avail-
able to college students. It contains detailed profiles
of awards based on academic fields and career goals,
ethnic heritage, talent, employment experience, mili-
tary service, and other categories, which are available
from private sources such as foundations, corpora-
tions, and religious and civic organizations.
CCI Code: 29733.............................................. $33.95
College and Career Ready
The book is filled with detailed, practical guidelines
and case descriptions of what the best high schools
are doing. Includes clear guidelines for high school
faculty to adapt their programs of instruction in the
direction of enhanced college/career readiness. Pro-
vides practical strategies for improving students’ con-
tent knowledge and academic behaviors. Offers ex-
amples of best practices and research-based recom-
mendations for change.
CCI Code: 69571............................................. $19.95
CCI Career Success Catalog
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