Digital Career Success Catalog - page 4

Explore Interests, Skills, Values & Work Preferences
Ability Explorer
Ability Explorer (AE)
ranks a person’s strengths in the 12 abilities
important in today’s workplace. This assessment raises self-
awareness, provides practical insights and information, and
creates a foundation for informed career and educational plan-
ning. Individuals are asked to read each statement and then
indicate how good they are or would be at doing the activity.
They then progress through steps that show the abilities they
are best at and present career choices that match their abilities.
Self-scoring and self-interpreting. Package of 25.
CCI Code: 86042............................................................ $66.95
Job Search Attitude Inventory (JSAI)
helps individuals identify their attitudes about looking
for a job and then offers suggestions for becoming more active
and self-directed in the job search. The assessment helps them
to identify mental and attitudinal barriers that might be keep-
ing them from finding work and discover strategies for improv-
ing their attitudes and re-energizing their job searches. Package
of 25.
CCI Code: 96472............................................................ $63.95
Career Exploration Inventory
With the
, individuals reflect on 128 activities and consider
their past, present, and future interest in them. Scores connect
to 16 career interest areas based on the U.S. Department of
Education career clusters. Related jobs, education and training
options, and leisure activities are listed for each interest area.
Package of 25.
CCI Code: 96468............................................................ $63.95
Career Personality Inventory
Match personality types to careers, work styles, skills, work
environments, and work preferences with this easy-to-use as-
sessment. The
uses a simple and innovative testing method
requiring test takers to simply circle words that describe them
and then total the number of descriptors circled. Users can
match their personality types to careers and work preferences
and then use the career planning guide and worksheet to set
goals and start their career research. Package of 25.
CCI Code: 81136............................................................ $55.95
Work Readiness Inventory
Identifying areas of concern is often the first step in helping an
individual become work ready. The
does just that. It is an
assessment designed to help workers recognize and address the
demands of the workplace by identifying their readiness con-
cerns or areas of weakness. Package of 25.
CCI Code: 85020............................................................ $55.95
Career Intake & Counseling Scale
Provides a structured assessment for identifying clients’ or
students’ most significant and urgent career development
needs and developing treatment plans that will address those
needs. Clients or students taking the assessment are asked to
consider 50 statements that relate to major deficiencies that
prevent people from attaining employment success. These re-
sponses are scored and recorded in a Career Intake Profile table
that identifies individuals’ top career-related concerns and
barriers. Package of 25.
CCI Code: 89122............................................................ $60.95
Barriers to Employment Success Inventory
Barriers to Employment Success Inventory
is the quick-
est and easiest way for people to identify the obstacles
that stand in the way of their job success. Although it
takes only 20 to 30 minutes to complete, this powerful
inventory not only helps people conduct a more effective
job search, it helps them be more successful on the job
as well. Package of 25.
CCI Code: 96471............................................................ $66.95
Transition-to-Work Inventory
With this best-selling, easy-to-use assessment, individuals with
little or no work experience can identify their job options and
make their career transition more effective and more rewarding.
Individuals will review a list of 96 non-work activities and rate
how much they like each one. Simple self-scoring allows them
to connect their answers to the 16 career clusters, which then
lead to a list of related jobs, self-employment options, and
paths for education and training. Package of 25.
CCI Code: 96470............................................................ $63.95
Individual Career Portfolio
Individual Career Portfolio
helps junior high and high school
students track their progress in academic performance and career
planning. Covering the 16 career clusters identified by the De-
partment of Education, this attractive, full-color, six-panel file
folder stores important documents and records essential details,
including career interests, assessment results, employability skills,
extracurricular activities, honors and awards, postsecondary plans
and research, job search materials, and more. Package of 25.
CCI Code: 82030............................................................ $50.95
Groups & Individuals • Designed for Immediate Results
CCI Career Success Catalog
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