Digital Career Success Catalog - page 6

Lean In for Graduates
Expanded and updated exclusively for gradu-
ates just entering the workforce, this extraor-
dinary edition of
Lean In
includes a letter to
graduates from Sheryl Sandberg and six addi-
tional chapters from experts offering advice on
finding and getting the most out of a first job; resume writing;
best interviewing practices; negotiating your salary; listening to
your inner voice; owning who you are; and leaning in for mil-
lennial men.
CCI Code: 89619............................................................ $24.95
Compassionate Careers
Many young people today are seeking some-
thing more — purpose, meaning, a cause.
passionate Careers
is filled with examples of
people who have meaningful jobs in cause-fo-
cused organizations. These stories capture their
spirit, intelligence, imagination, and heart. The
book is an inspirational guide to finding purpose-driven work
and offers advice to anyone who feels that sitting on the side-
lines is just not enough.
CCI Code: 29363............................................................ $16.99
Best Jobs for the 21st Century
Readers browse more than 65 lists that reveal
the best jobs for pay, growth, openings, and
more. They choose from 500 occupations to
review descriptions of the jobs that interest
them most. These descriptions offer details
about wages; projected growth through 2018; openings; re-
quired education, training, and experience; career clusters and
pathways; and more.
CCI Code: 82001............................................................ $19.95
Occupational Outlook Handbook
Invaluable for anyone making career and educa-
tion decisions, writing resumes, or preparing for
interviews, this comprehensive reference book is
the definitive source of accurate, up-to-date in-
formation on more than 325 jobs. Each job de-
scription in the
Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH)
individuals with insight about earnings, training, education, job
growth, work tasks, and much more. Individuals can also com-
plete an assessment in the book that matches their personality
type to jobs. A bonus chapter explains how job seekers, career
changers, students, and others can make the most of the wealth
of information provided in the
CCI Code: 96448......................................................$19.95
50 Best Jobs for Your
Discover your personality type and the 50 best
jobs that relate to it. Part I overviews how per-
sonality relates to careers. Part II features a
self-assessment for determining your personal-
ity type: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, or
Conventional. Part III contains the best jobs lists, including the
50 best jobs overall for each personality type. In Part IV, you
find a goldmine of facts about the 50 best jobs for each of the
six personality types — 300 job descriptions total.
CCI Code: 85016............................................................ $20.95
O*NET Dictionary of
Occupational Titles
This best-selling career reference puts the offi-
cial job descriptions and other important infor-
mation from the U.S. Department of Labor’s
massive O*NET database into useful and man-
ageable print form. It provides high-quality, current labor market
information covering nearly 100 percent of the workforce.
CCI Code: 98805............................................................ $39.95
I Don’t Know What I Want, But I
Know It’s Not This
Changing careers, conducting a job search, or
starting a business is more complicated than
ever before. Jansen has updated her classic
guide to address the unique challenges of to-
day’s job market, from the ever-more important
world of social media to new ways of funding your own en-
deavors online. Filled with quizzes, personality assessments,
and real-life examples, this guide helps you identify the type of
work you’re best suited for and provides the know-how — and
the inspiration — for transforming an uncertain time into an
opportunity for meaningful change.
CCI Code: 89611............................................................ $16.00
The Career Playbook
Graduates are looking not only for good jobs
but for positions that will help them launch
careers in which they can grow and flourish.
Packed with advice and stories from employees
and executives working their way up the career
ladder, as well as trenchant insights from some
of the most prominent CEOs in business,
Career Playbook
an essential resource for launching your dream job.
CCI Code: 89614........................................................... $14.00
Career Guide for Creative and
Unconventional People
This new edition has been completely revised
and updated to reflect the freedom offered by
the new work order, delve more deeply into
freelancing as a career, explore social media as
it relates to creative job searches, provide new
success stories, and bring all salary information up to date. It
also includes descriptions of more than 280 creative jobs.
CCI Code: 21918............................................................ $14.99
Could I Do That?
Taking on a challenge – big or small – in your
career or personal life, can be intimidating but
also totally transformational. Here are exam-
ples and advice from others who have achieved
big things. The book examines how you should
go about preparing for change, which problems
you’ll face along the way, and demonstrates why and how your
life will be better as a consequence. Practical and motivational,
it’s about embracing change and defeating limiting beliefs.
CCI Code: 69556............................................................ $14.95
Career Counselor’s Handbook
This classic guide shows aspiring counselors
how to break into the business, and gives ex-
perienced counselors ideas for improving ef-
fectiveness and recharging their practice. The
Career Counselor’s Handbook
features informa-
tion about performing the Annual Career
Checkup, choosing Essence over Ego, and using the Internet.
CCI Code: 21904............................................................ $19.99
Second-Act Careers
Includes dozens of different ways to turn your
professional expertise, personal interests, and
passions into part-time income. Filled with in-
spirational second-act success stories, how-to
advice, and links to valuable resources, this
book provides a road map for boomers eager
to find a more meaningful way to keep earning during their
semi-retirement years.
CCI Code: 89593............................................................ $14.99
CCI Career Success Catalog
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