Digital Career Success Catalog - page 5

Re-Employment Success Inventory
Dealing with job loss is difficult, and each of your client’s reac-
tions to unemployment is unique. With the
Re-Employment Suc-
cess Inventory
, your clients can identify how they are effectively
coping with unemployment and how they are not. They will also
develop skills and strategies for quickly re-entering the work-
force. Your clients can complete the
in 20 minutes or less!
Clients can easily complete this self-directed tool without need-
ing instructions from you. The
is ideal for programs that are
short on time and staff. Package of 25.
CCI Code: 99628............................................................ $60.95
Life Skills Inventory
Life skills are the skills individuals rely on to manage their
personal relationships and career development. The
Life Skills
helps individuals identify life skills they may need to
develop to become healthier and more productive and provides
a wealth of suggestions for improving these skills. The
designed to be self-scored and self-interpreted without the use
of any other materials, thus providing immediate results for the
respondent and/or counselor. Package of 25.
CCI Code: 89123............................................................ $60.95
O*Net Career Interests Inventory
This best-selling inventory helps individuals match their inter-
ests to O*NET job titles. In just 30 minutes, test takers respond
to 180 work activity statements, uncover their top RIASEC in-
terest areas, and review an extensive list of related O*NET
occupations categorized by required preparation (the U.S. De-
partment of Labor’s five “job zones”). Package of 25.
CCI Code: 82033............................................................ $62.95
Employability Skills Inventory
As a self-report measure, the
allows workers to quickly assess
their own strengths and weaknesses. It assists administrators by
giving them a quick overview of their client’s employability, helping
them to determine the training and additional skills needed most.
It includes strategies and recommendations for improving employ-
ability skills and a worksheet for setting goals. Package of 25.
CCI Code: 85021............................................................ $50.95
Offender Reintegration Scale
This unique self-scoring assessment identifies the challenges offend-
ers will face upon release and re-entry into society. It measures
barriers in the following categories: basic needs, job search, family,
wellness, and career development. Package of 25.
CCI Code: 88026............................................................ $55.95
Transferable Skills Scale
Transferable Skills Scale
is a brief assessment designed to
identify an individual’s strongest transferable skills. It asks in-
dividuals to rate their skill levels on a total of 96 tasks. The
resulting score helps define their skill levels in eight categories:
Analytical, Numerical, Interpersonal, Organizational, Physical,
Informational, Communicative and Creative skills. Each skill set
is also specifically linked to O*NET job titles, and an Occupa-
tional Exploration worksheet helps individuals further research
the jobs that match their transferable skills. Package of 25.
CCI Code: 81158............................................................ $62.95
College Majors Scorecard
Based on the kinds of work activities that each major is most
likely to lead to, the
helps students pick a major by mak-
ing a connection between their interests, their choice of ma-
jor, and their future career options. Package of 25.
CCI Code: 88006........................................................... $66.95
Military-to-Career Transition Inventory
is designed to help recent veterans make a successful
career transition, which is often difficult as ex-military struggle
to overcome personal, psychological, and other barriers that
stand in the way of their successful reintegration into civilian
society. This 60-item assessment features six scales that cover
transition management, veteran’s benefits, career transition skills,
job search basics, resumes and cover letters, and interviewing
and negotiating. Package of 25.
CCI Code: 81191............................................................ $63.95
STEM Careers Inventory
STEM and green careers promise growth and opportunity, and
are key to U.S. competitiveness in the global marketplace. But
how do you know which STEM occupations suit you best? In just
five steps, this easy-to-use assessment helps students and young
people discover their personality type and then match it to STEM
and green careers. Package of 25.
CCI Code: 81190............................................................ $55.95
Career Exploration Inventory-EZ
guides students and job seekers in exploring and
planning three major areas of life — work, leisure activities,
and learning. With the
, individuals reflect on 96 activities
and consider their past, present, and future interest in them.
Scores connect to 16 career interest areas based on the U.S.
Department of Education career clusters. Related jobs, educa-
tion and training options, and leisure activities are listed for
each interest area. Package of 25.
CCI Code: 88005............................................................ $58.95
Affordable Assessment Solutions
Easy to Administer • No License or Specialized Training Required
CCI Career Success Catalog
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