Digital Career Success Catalog - page 10

Order All 3 Videos for ONLY
CCI Code: 99623DVD
Job seekers who are proactive in the job search land better jobs in less time. Career coaches and former job seekers
will teach your clients or students the most effective ways to uncover job leads, connect with employers, and dem-
onstrate why they should be hired. Available in only DVD format. 38 minutes.
Each DVD $103.95
Job Search Steps That Get Results
Viewers will discover how to: expand their network; find open positions; stay motivated; leverage social media and
overcome employment obstacles. 11 minutes................................................................................................. CCI Code: 99624DVD
Ace the Interview and Get the Job
Viewers will learn how to: research potential employers and open positions; talk about themselves without sounding boastful; connect
their skills to employers’ needs; avoid common interview blunders; dress appropriately for interviews and follow up with employers to
secure job offers. 18 minutes........................................................................................................................ CCI Code: 99625DVD
Resumes and Cover Letters That Work
Viewers will learn how to: use the resume style that is appropriate for their situation; tailor their resume and cover letter to different
job openings; format their resume to pass screening software; use keywords from job postings and show how their skills and experience
match positions’ requirements. 9 minutes...................................................................................................... CCI Code: 99626DVD
Keys to Getting Hired
Disabilities at Work:
We’re all differently abled. But for job seekers with diagnosed disabilities, identifying and making
visible their strengths, their abilities, is especially important. This three-part series helps people
with disabilities gain the confidence, awareness, search tools, and interview strategies necessary
to take the job-hunting bull by the horns. From online resources that can pinpoint skills and in-
terests…to organizations and websites that can clarify legal questions…to concrete advice on
preparing a resume, completing an application, and sitting down face-to-face with a potential employer…this is an up-to-date
guide to greater prosperity, empowerment, and productivity. Inspiring case studies and expert interviews are featured throughout.
23–28 minutes each. Available in both DVD and Streaming Video formats. Each DVD $99.95
Effective Job Search for People with Disabilities
CCI Code: 22392DVD or CCI Code: 22392SV
Smart Resumes and Applications for People with Disabilities
CCI Code: 22393DVD or CCI Code: 22393SV
Job Interview Essentials for People with Disabilites
CCI Code: 22394DVD or CCI Code: 22394SV
Order All 3 Videos for ONLY
CCI Code: 22391DVD or CCI Code: 22391SV
Successful Job Hunting for People with Disabilities
Get Hired and Go
This series helps lay out a clear path to fulfilling employment, beginning with the self-assessment
needed to begin the journey and culminating in the best ways to settle into a new, rewarding position
— whether it’s in an office or in the trades. 26–30 minutes each. Available in both DVD and Stream-
ing Video formats. Each DVD $99.95
Before You Apply: Job and Skills Evaluation
CCI Code: 22384DVD or CCI Code: 22384SV
Before You Apply: Resumes, Portfolios, and Your Online Persona
................... CCI Code: 22385DVD or CCI Code: 22385SV
Getting the Job: Job Search and Networking
........................................................ CCI Code: 22386DVD or CCI Code: 22386SV
Getting The Job: Cover Letters, Interviews, and Job Offers
.............................. CCI Code: 22387DVD or CCI Code: 22387SV
Doing The Job: Starting Out and the Daily Grind
.................................................. CCI Code: 22388DVD or CCI Code: 22388SV
Doing The Job: Basic Job Skills
................................................................................... CCI Code: 22389DVD or CCI Code: 22389SV
The Complete Guide To Getting a Job and Doing It Right
Order All 6 Videos for ONLY
CCI Code: 22390DVD or CCI Code: 22390SV
You can now purchase videos in either DVD or streaming video formats. Our new, highly acclaimed cloud-based streaming
video platform makes it possible for your organization to purchase a 3 year streaming video subscription for today’s top
career, education and life skills videos. Look for the video product code extension to determine format availability. Extension
“SV” for Streaming Video Format and “DVD” for DVD format.
CCI Career Success Catalog
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,...48
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