Digital Career Success Catalog - page 40

Social Media Manners
Social media is a whole new universe when it
comes to manners and etiquette. Manners used to
be something that happened in person, but today
we conduct many of our relationships and com-
munication online, and the rules and courtesies
can be a little unclear. This video addresses the general manners
guidelines for cell phone use, text messaging, email, and social
media websites and apps like Facebook or Twitter. Available in
only DVD format. 20 minutes.
CCI Code: 99855DVD . .............................................. $79.95
When Presentation Counts:
Grooming, Dressing & Body Language
In this DVD, you will receive tips on grooming
and basic styles of dress. You will also dis-
cover how verbal and non-verbal communica-
tion, body language, and posture can impair
or enhance your overall image. So whether
you’re seeking your first job, starting a new job, or just trying
to get ahead on the job, don’t get a second
chance to make a good first impression. 32 minutes. Available
in only DVD format.
CCI Code: 29228DVD. ............................................... $108.00
Digital Communication Skills
Communicating isn’t just about sharing infor-
mation — it’s creating it — and that the
ways in which emails, texts or voice messages
are composed and conveyed may make the
difference in impressing or disappointing an
employer or co-worker. This video has impor-
tant points on what you should do — and what you don’t
want to do — when it comes to email, texting, video-confer-
encing and using the phone for business calls or voice mail.
Available in both DVD and Streaming Video formats. 29 min-
CCI Code: 23357DVD or 23357SV ............................. $129.95
Manners Boot Camp
Having good manners will help you stand out
from the crowd and knowing how to act with
professional courtesy can help you land a job
and succeed once you have your foot in the
door. Join Sasha and Sean in
Manners Boot
Camp: Professional Courtesy
as they work to get
their etiquette in shape for the professional world of work.
Available in only DVD format. 18 minutes.
CCI Code: 99856DVD . ............................................. $79.95
How Body Language, Tone & Words Affect
With help from their instructor, a communi-
cations expert, viewers will learn the impor-
tance of body language, tone and words,
whether playing a character on stage, making
new friends at school or trying to get ahead in the workplace.
Each of these skills are targeted and discussed in an entertaining
scene created by each actor. 24 minutes. Available in only DVD
CCI Code: 29227DVD. ............................................... $108.00
Navigating the World
of Social Media
We’ve got the lowdown on everything from
the top dos and don’ts to successfully manag-
ing your online relationships and protecting
your own personal brand. Maintaining social
networks online can be a fun and positive
experience, and bring us — and our worlds — closer together.
Our experts discuss such topics as: understanding the social in
social media; building and protecting your online presence and
what’s social media doing in the workplace? Available in only
DVD format. 31 minutes.
CCI Code: 29230DVD . .............................................. $108.00
You can now purchase videos in either DVD or streaming video formats. Our new, highly acclaimed cloud-based streaming
video platform makes it possible for your organization to purchase a 3 year streaming video subscription for today’s top
career, education and life skills videos. Look for the video product code extension to determine format availability. Extension
“SV” for Streaming Video Format and “DVD” for DVD format.
Many students don’t realize they can reach a lucrative level of skill and knowledge in half the
time it takes to earn a bachelor’s degree — by following a vocational STEM (science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics) career track. Each episode features three case studies, all focusing
on employees who were hired after completing associate’s degrees, certifications, or apprentice-
ships. Enriched by additional commentary from coworkers and training experts, this is a visually
exciting look at career opportunities, job responsibilities, and salary parameters. 20 minutes each.
Available in both Streaming Video and DVD formats. Each DVD $99.95
Advanced Manufacturing and Applied Engineering Technology
..................CCI Code: 23309DVD or CCI Code: 23309SV
Applied Science and Technology
......................................................................CCI Code: 23310DVD or CCI Code: 23310SV
Computer and Information
...............................................................................CCI Code: 23308DVD or CCI Code: 23308SV
Health Care and Technology
.............................................................................CCI Code: 23311DVD or CCI Code: 23311SV
STEM Careers in Two Years
DVD Series
Order All 4 Videos for ONLY
CCI Code: 23307DVD or CCI Code: 23307SV
Social Media / Communications
CCI Career Success Catalog
1...,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39 41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48
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