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We found 5 results matching your criteria.
    What Color Is Your Parachute? Guide to Rethinking Interviews
    Penguin Random House LLC
    Interviews instill fear in many a job-hunter, but this empowering guide from legendary career expert Richard N. Bolles reveals that interviews…
    What Color Is Your Parachute? Guide to Rethinking Resumes
    Penguin Random House LLC
    Resumes get an average of 8 seconds of attention before going in the trash--or the shortlist…
    What Color Is Your Parachute? Job-Hunter's Workbook
    Penguin Random House LLC
    The new edition of this companion workbook draws on the latest ideas in What Color Is Your Parachute? and provides a place where job-hunters can record and explore the details of their job-search. Career giant Richard N. Bolles presents this revised …
    Women in Tech
    Penguin Random House LLC
    Geared toward women who are considering getting into tech, or those already in a tech job who want to take their career to the next l...
    Work That Matters: Create a Livelihood That Reflects Your Core Intention
    Penguin Random House LLC
    Create a career that is an expression of your life's core intention with a mindfulness-based journey to clarify your highest calling, create a vision for meaningful vocation, and enact practical steps to make that vision a vivid reality...
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