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STEM Careers in Two Years - 4 Streaming Videos (CC)

STEM Careers in Two Years - 4 Streaming Videos (CC)

Films Media Group
  • Additional Info:: Closed Captioned
  • Date:: 2012
  • ISBN:: 9781621029908
Product Code: 23307SV


Does success in a high-tech industry require four years of college? Do jobs involving math, computers, and scientific equipment only go to bookish, academically inclined candidates? Not at all! Many students don’t realize they can reach a lucrative level of skill and knowledge in half the time it takes to earn a bachelor’s degree — by following a vocational STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) career track. This four-part series shows that rewarding, well-paid jobs in several STEM industries are attainable with only two years of training. Each episode features three case studies, all focusing on employees who were hired after completing associate’s degrees, certifications, or apprenticeships. Enriched by additional commentary from coworkers and training experts, this is a visually exciting look at career opportunities, job responsibilities, and salary parameters. 4-part series, 20 minutes each.

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