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Quick 30/30 Job Solution: Smart Job Search Tips for Surviving Today's New Economy

Quick 30/30 Job Solution: Smart Job Search Tips for Surviving Today's New Economy

Impact Publications
  • Date:: 2009
  • Author:: Neil P. McNulty and Ronald L. Krannich, Ph.D.
  • ISBN:: 9781570232862
Product Code: 29572


Finally, the book that outlines the fastest, most effective job hunting system anywhere for finding employment. Today's new recessionary economy has wiped out millions of jobs forever. So what should one do in the face of job loss? In the past, job seekers were advised to identify what they really wanted to do, write a good resume, expand the geographic scope of their job search, and network for information, advice, and referrals. The result was often a job involving costly relocation and/or a long commute. But in today's economy, many job seekers need to quickly find a lifeboat job - a satisfying job that's close to home and generates sufficient income. This innovative book introduces the concept of the 30/30 job search, a job hunting process that has been successfully used by thousands of job placement clients. It's a powerful 30-day program for job hunters who seek satisfying employment opportunities within 30 miles of any location in the United States.
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