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Going Home: Teens Reentering Society - 2 DVD Set

Going Home: Teens Reentering Society - 2 DVD Set (CC)

Films Media Group
  • Additional Info:: Closed Captioned
  • Date:: 2008
  • ISBN:: 9781421388441
Product Code: 28656DVD


Going Home: Teens Reentering Society - 2 DVD Set

All former inmates have a hard time adjusting to life outside prison, but teenagers face their own specific set of challenges after doing time. This two-part series shows how that adjustment process often plays out and how its hardships can be minimized. Filmed in large part at the Riker’s Island Academy, a GED-level school that has helped turn hundreds of inmates’ lives around, the series covers the major sources of conflict that young people will encounter when reentering society. Addressing the day-to-day challenges of newfound, uncertain freedom, these programs illustrate how a support system can be built with the help of family, peers, caseworkers, and even correctional staff. Correlates to all applicable National and State Educational Standards including the NCLB Act. 2-part series, 21 and 23 minutes each.

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